Monday, June 2, 2008

Green Smoothies: Part One

I had read about green smoothies online some time ago but didn't have any way to try them so I bought a blender last weekend. It's not a super fancy model that cost as much as car payment but it works pretty well for I need it for.
When most people hear "smoothie" they think of some thick, overly sweet fruit based drink usually with some sort of dairy thrown in. Most of them have enough calories and sugar to count as dessert. A green smoothie however are a mixture of fruit and green leafies with maybe another vegetable. The basic proportion I believe is 60% greens to 40% fruit. Green choices include spinach, chard, lettuce, kale, parsley...basically anything that's green and leafy! Fruit is only limited by what you like. Most people like to add banana, frozen or not, to give creaminess but I haven't tried it yet because I have to really be in a banana mood to like them.

I'm trying to use different varieties of fruits and vegetables each morning for my breakfast smoothie. The first one I tried was pretty basic:
1 orange
2 mangos
1 lemon
three big handfuls of kale
water to blend

I made more because I wanted the kids to try it. It was very green and bright tasting. Katie loved it and thought it tasted like the sourgrass (oxalis) she eats in the yard, lol.

This morning I wanted to try adding avocado plus I had bought more mangos that were a little more ripe than the last ones. I love a really ripe mango, they have so much flavor!
So, into the blender went:

1/2 avocado
1 mango
the juice of 1 lime
two handfuls of kale
1 cup of water
1 cup of crushed ice from the fridge

Oh my goodness! It was soooo yummy! The avocado and ripe mango made it so creamy and tasty.

Kale is packed full of vitamins, just two cups has more than 300% of your DV of vit.A and over 200% DV of vit.C. It has some protein too. I plan on trying spinach too, I just have this huge bag of kale to use.